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Autism Speaks New Diagnosis and Timely Interventions Town Hall

Autism Speaks New Diagnosis and Timely Interventions Town Hall
9/17/2019, 6:30 PM 8:00 PM
Henry Viscardi Multimedia Learning Center 201 I.U. Willets Road Albertson, NY 11507

This program is part of a series of Town Halls designed to provide resources across the spectrum and throughout the life span. The New Diagnosis and Timely Interventions Town Hall features tools and information that support young and school-aged children and their families following a diagnosis.
The program features a resource fair, comprised of agencies that provide services for young children with autism.
Who Should Come?
Open to all; including parents, caregivers, service providers, professionals, policymakers, and more!

The event is free; registration is required. Click the link below to RSVP.


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