Community members from DDI Walk

DDI Film Festival - Autism in Love

DDI Film Festival - Autism in Love
9/24/2019, 7:00 PM 9:00 PM
DDI Lecture Hall 99 Hollywood Drive Smithtown, NY 11779

DDI staff and the entire community of movie lovers can look forward to more topical, engaging, award-winning films beginning this month. Each film deals with the challenges of facing life with a disability – or the feeling of being somehow ‘different’ in the world for any other reason. Presentations are FREE and include refreshments and popcorn!

Following each film, there will be a facilitated discussion. Film themes cover such topics as first-time independence, devastating misdiagnosis, abandonment, isolation as well as personal triumph and transcendence. DDI’s film forum is thoughtfully tailored to provide entertainment and information while exploring preeminent issues faced by individuals with disabilities.

* Please call Dr. Michael Romas at 631-366-5875 for a detailed description of each film - and be sure to RSVP by phone or via e-mail to [email protected].

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