The American Flag

Tune in Saturday at 10 AM to DDI on Autism - 103.9 FM

Nonprofits, for the most part, have been hit hard by our nation’s economic woes. We are facing challenges in terms of donations, staffing, government and foundation funding, and organizational structure. Still, we persevere, guided by a compelling mission to do good work always.

My conversation tomorrow is with DDI Director of Development, Jean Smith. Tune in as we unpack the real keys to effective fundraising. Learn how leadership, vision, and the skills of an engaged, committed, impassioned constituency serve to create relationships that become the partnerships that ensure future sustainability.

***But you may ask: how can I make a difference quickly, right here and right now? Come out for this year’s Walk in the Park (Next Sunday!!). The event promises to be great fun!  Please find details below and be sure to bring friends and family!

Walk Flyer


“Keeping an Eye on Autism and Giving a Voice to its Long Island Community”

Heard every Saturday at 10:00 am on LI News Radio 103.9, ‘DDI on Autism ‘is a 30-minute show that shares and explores all relevant issues related to Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). It is dedicated to the thousands of people on Long Island who live and work with the condition on a daily basis.

Join host Clinical Psychologist, Dr. Michael Romas, as he engages New York’s leading autism professionals in thought-provoking conversation to inspire, inform, and support families and individuals living with an autism spectrum disorder.

Dr. Michael Romas is a licensed clinical psychologist who has been involved in the support and treatment of persons with developmental disabilities for more than 30 years. His diverse experience brings a unique perspective from multiple domains inclusive of treatment education options.

Explore early childhood issues, planning for adulthood, school and community opportunities, and the many general issues that can help guide and facilitate an understanding of ASD diagnosis and its many implications for Long Islanders.

Missed one of our shows?

Listen to our past programs on our SoundCloud here: