DDI Human Resources Group Photo

Adult Services Team Members Enjoy the World of Aviation

Here they experienced the ultimate tour, which included the exploration of million-dollar planes in the hangar.
Individual and staff at the airport hangar

Scott, an aviation enthusiast, advocated for himself and asked if they could make the trip on this occasion. Individuals from DDI’s Adult Services Program have been enjoying these tours for the last five years, and today was no exception to the fun, as evidenced by the smiles of our participants.

“It was one of those beautiful fall days, a slight north breeze, bright sun with low humidity… jets, planes and whirlybirds were buzzing all around us. Just a perfect day to take a trip to Republic Airport,” commented Linda Hudson, curriculum & training coordinator. 

Their tour guide shared his knowledge with our folks, who were listening attentively to every word uttered, and ensured every question was answered clearly.

Did you ever wonder why the T-tail was created? 

We can now explain it to you. The T-tail helps with the airflow, giving a smoother, faster ride. This, in turn, makes the plane more fuel-efficient at creating lift.