Community members from DDI Walk


The week (1/27/20 - 1/31/20) was primarily dedicated to the collection of canned goods, but plenty of fun was also had. The popular “Football Dress Down” Day was welcomed as well as a day full of football-inspired activities, which included an obstacle course and multiple stations for students to practice their field goal kicking and quarterback passing drills. There was also a craft station set up for students to show their creativity and spirit for their super bowl team pick.

The week ended with the annual tailgate party. As a special treat, delicious three-foot party heroes and salads were provided by the vocational department with funds collected from their activity and sale events. Staff members also contributed with homemade and store-bought goodies to make sure there was something for everyone to enjoy.

Collage of Soup-er Bowl activities

CLICK HERE to view the photo album.

Thank you to everyone who made the 2020 Soup-er Bowl XIII a great success. Special thanks to everyone who contributed to the canned food drive. Because of the wonderful generosity of all those involved, we were able to collect 30 cases of food for our hungry neighbors on Long Island.