DDI Human Resources Group Photo

Adult Day Services/Program Closures

This suspension of services affects all OPWDD non-residential services provided by DDI.  This measure is in keeping with community-wide efforts to contain the spread of the COVID-19 virus and is consistent with the actions of most providers across our region and the recommendation of Health Departments and the CDC.

DDI employees normally working in day program settings will be deployed to work in all DDI residences to provide the needed staffing during times when our residences typically are not staffed.  As an added measure and in the interest of ensuring the healthy status of all workers within our homes, each staff member will be screened for any current health issues prior to beginning their shift within the residence.

Finally, we are now prohibiting all visitation within our residences, consistent with a requirement issued by the State.  No visitors, including family members, will be permitted into our residences except for those whose presence may be needed for end-of-life support.  In those instances where our residents are leaving to spend time within their families’ homes, families will be cautioned to refrain from activities that put themselves and the DDI resident at risk of infection.  DDI may refuse to allow its resident to return if it is determined that family-directed activities outside of the residence, or health status changes of the resident, could put the house at risk.

We are taking these extreme measures in keeping with the guidance of health experts.  We look forward to your cooperation and support in all matters, and we thank you in advance.

John Lessard

john lessard

Executive Director