They say that actions speak louder than words. This statement rings true because there never seem to be enough words to express our thanks to the compassionate, dedicated staff members who teach and care for the children and adults we support.
In an effort to let actions do the speaking, this May we celebrated our wonderful education program team members by hosting a week-long Education Staff Appreciation celebration. With themes ranging from magical staff to the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports-inspired “Tucker the Turtle,” all of our education program staff enjoyed being pampered, celebrated, and awarded with prizes.
They face challenges every day and every day they meet those challenges with exceptional skill and grace to ensure the best possible outcomes for their students.
As you can see in the collage, one of the staff members is wearing a shirt that reads “Strive for Greatness.” This message embodies the culture created within our programs and within the foundation of DDI’s workforce overall.
Each role played in the education of a child is a vital one and without these gifted employees, we would not have earned the successful reputation of being a leading provider in the support of individuals with autism and other developmental challenges. We thank you for your remarkable efforts and look forward to our bright future as we continue, collectively, to be people inspired by purpose.
We would like to offer special thanks to all those who donated items for the raffles, snacks, and surprises for the festivities. And a very special acknowledgment to the supervisory staff from our school programs for putting together this incredible celebration.